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2008 crankup of military vehicle trust at cliffords tower york
ferret interior photos
to the left of the driver. top box is intercom control to commander, middle is c42 radio conversion box to clansman intercom, bottom is # 6 radio Ariel tuner for larkspur radio,signal torch, fire extinguisher , brackets for sterling sub machine gun
ferret interior photos (1)
drivers view of the controls, boxs on left is drivers periscope,spare bulbs etc, lights and combat switch's and indicators, tachometer and speedometer, black button iis horn cover, green box on right is Ariel junction box for clansman radio 353
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over left shoulder of driver, at top is smoke grenade storage, black box is ballast resisters and charger units, red box is fire control buttons for smoke grenades, brown thing hanging up is an inspection lamp, under that is hot water boiler for cooking a
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over right shoulder is signal torch,one of two splinter sight glasses,intercom for outside use, 2 kg co/2 extinguisher for fighting compartment, thermos flask for hot drinks, right escape hatch
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drivers seat, above is seat for commander when firing gun, also doubles when he is in turret
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looking back through front right driveers hatch, the curved black objects are 303 bren gun magazines
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left to front of driver are the periscopes for turret and driver , spare bulbs and fuses, blue lever is for forward reverse gears
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escape hatch on right hand side.
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behind the driver, above left is a penthouse light,grenade storage box, water purification equipment, silver box is air cleaner, black box is # 2 battery, the radio comprises of 24 volt power unit, c42 radio, above it is intercom controls and junction box
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looking back through drivers hatch, in combat the hatch is pulled up and all others shut down, driver vision is then through periscopes, the driver also has a removal windscreen for bad weather but is normally stored at the back right hand side of the veh
ferret photos 001 (800x600) (800x600)
ces list for front..smoke dischargers each side, pick axe and handle,shovel,one of two rescue chains,halogen extinguisher, Ariel storage tube, transmit Ariel for c42 radio, # 5 bridging plate,infra red headlight on left, normal headlight on right,the badg
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view looking down the turret, commanders headphones, the red lever is for revolving the turret.
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view looking through the commanders machine gun sight
Date: 10/16/2009
Views: 16
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view looking through the drivers periscope
Date: 10/16/2009
Views: 13
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left rear view,halogen extinguisher, water supply, petrol cooker and boiling tin, ammunition storage containing 2500 rounds 30 cal, on the bonnet is the tripod for the 30 cal browning machine thats in the turret. also the bag that contains the tent. the r
Date: 10/16/2009
Views: 17
ferret photos 012 (800x600)
inter starter cable for flat batteries, first aid kit, bag for removable windscreen,round bag on the turret holds 400 metres of telephone cable to remotely operate radio and telephone land line, amber beacon is for use on civilian roads, on the turret is
Date: 10/16/2009
Views: 15
ferret photos 013 (800x600)
commanders spot light, bag contains shackles and tools.
Date: 10/16/2009
Views: 12
ferret photos 003 (800x600)
the webbing on the turret is standard 58 pattern for around the 80s, underneath is the regimental plate of the 9 th and 12 th lancers which is a cavalry regiment, the webbing holds two pouches of sterling machine gun mags or slr rifle mags, water bottle m
Date: 10/16/2009
Views: 12
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view through port drivers periscope
Date: 10/16/2009
Views: 8
ferret photos 003 (800x600)
there are also twenty four hour ration packs,poncho, pick and trenching tool, 9mm browning pistol , personal machete
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view of distributer, six cylinder,4.25 litre rolls royce engine.
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photo #2 both on right side
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view through the right hand escape hatch, splinter sight in the left wall can be seen, adjustable commanders seat,red light for night vision.
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left side of engine bay , filler cap for fuel, carb, and engine oil cooler